Spring 2020
Writer-in-Residence Glendale Library
We've gone virtual!
Glendale Public Library is hosting a Writer in Residence, who will be onsite to write and provide instruction to aspiring authors. Get expert advice on your writing by booking a one-on-one appointment with the writer, or attend a public workshop to learn new skills in craft and publishing. All experience levels are welcome. Come meet our Writer in Residence and get on your way to starting, finishing, polishing, or publishing your own story. Call 623-930-3573 to register for an appointment or program, or email kcurley@glendaleaz.com.
Appointment times-
Thursdays: 4-6 p.m., Main Library Creative Space
Saturdays: 3-5 p.m., Main Library Creative Space
The Art of the Short Story
Main Library Creative Spaces Saturday, February 22, 1–2 p.m.
Have you ever tried your hand at the short story? Deceptive in its length, the short story is very challenging. This workshop will cover aspects of this art form that is more popular than ever, including types of short stories and length; the short story plot; short story techniques; submission tips, tricks, and terms; and markets.
All About Romance (Writing)
Main Library Creative Spaces Saturday, February 29, 1–2 p.m.
According to Romance Writers of America, romantic fiction is a billion-dollar industry and the romance novel’s share of the U.S. fiction market is 34%. Are you ready to try your hand at this diverse genre? This workshop explores the components of the romance novel and how to get started. We will cover several topics, including what makes a novel a romance; types of romance; writing the romance, and submitting your work.
So You Want to Be a Writer: Indie & Traditional Publishing
Main Library Creative Spaces Saturday, March 14, 1–2 p.m.
Is there a novel or a nonfiction book locked inside of you? This workshop explores how to get those ideas down on paper and what happens after you write THE END. It’s time to start on your writing journey. We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of the indie journey versus traditional publishing.
Motivation for Writers
Main Library Creative Space s Saturday, March 28, 1–2 p.m.
What’s standing between you and your writer dreams? Do you need a kick of motivation and inspiration? Do you want to get more done by noon than most people do all day? In this program, you will learn how to leverage your special talents and receive just-for-today tips for time management. This workshop is guaranteed to have your fingers smokin’ at the keyboard.
How to Build Your Writer Platform
Main Library Creative Space Saturday, April 11, 1–2 p.m.
What is a writer platform and how do you get one? The writer platform consists of the tools you use to introduce yourself to your target readers. The platform is also a way to show editors that you have a built-in audience for your product. At what stage in your writing career do you need to think about social media, a webpage, a blog or a newsletter? This workshop will break down the essentials of a writer platform, and the steps to creating a foundation for your writing career.
Querying and Pitching an Editor and Agent
Main Library Creative Spaces Saturday, April 25, 1–2 p.m.
Finished your book? Ready to pitch an editor or agent? This workshop will guide you through the parts of a query letter, whom to query and how to find them. We’ll cover pitches and blurbs along with the Twitter pitch. It will end with an opportunity for you to share your blurbs and elevator pitches, and submit a query letter for critique.
This project is supported by the Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State, with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Valley of the Sun RWA & Desert Rose RWA (virtual)
Side Hustle Strategies that Work
Let's talk writer side hustles. Writing and writing-related gigs aside from your novel pursuits. Side hustles provide not only income, and writing credentials, but also expanded audience exposure for unpublished and published authors. This program will discuss how to repurpose your writing, passive writing opportunities, how to land a writer in residence gig and other income-generating leads that you may have walked right by.
IHOP at 4201 West Bell Road, Phoenix 85053
5:30 p.m.: Dinner & Networking
6:30 p.m.: Business Meeting & Raffle
7:00 p.m.: Guest Speaker
Society of Southwestern Authors-Valley of the Sun (virtual)
All About Romance
According to Romance Writers of America, romantic fiction is a billion-dollar industry and the romance novel’s share of the U.S. fiction market is 34%. Are you ready to try your hand at this diverse genre? This workshop explores the components of the romance novel and how to get started. We will cover several topics, including what makes a novel a romance; types of romance; writing the romance, and submitting your work.
2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 31, 2020 via Zoom Webinar